I have been making digital scrapbook pages for over a year now and have posted some at various sites but wanted a place really to gather them and decided that a blog just for my scapbooking where I can list proper credits would be just the thing to get me started. So here I am. With work and family there will be times I just can't get to the computer to post but I think it's the start for me
This is one of my first layouts after MoM was so brave and left us to be with angels. I still miss her so very much daily. This photo of MoM was taken on her 75th Birthday. The only thing she every really asked for was that all her children be together with her. That's all she ever wanted for any holiday or celebration throughout the year. Although it didn't get to happen very often, but with 7 children all leading their own lives that's not an easy task to make happen. But on this day she got her wish. Her health was leaving her and although she had some good days that followed, a lot of her days from here on were spent sleeping in her chair. This song "Little Wonders" sung by Rob Thomas was becoming popular at this time of my life, I was watching MoM leave me. This song got me though a lot of very scary days
LO made June 2007 by LBelle
Background designed by LBelle
Photo by LBelle
Lyrics: found on Internet
This is my son. He loves to play Baseball, which seems to be the big season in our house. As right now we are into the little league season. Austin was in his second year of cookies here and in some of the photos they had just won the season championship.

LO made June 2007 by LBelle
Design credits: Scrapbook Flair software and elements, pc crafter elements, Psp9 software for background.
Photos by LBelle
Uploaded to Scrapbook Flair http://www.scrapbookflair.com/LibertyBelle
My son "The BratMan". He loves all SuperHeros but his favorite will always be Spiderman. Spiderman is the greatest SuperHero of all time according my BratMan

psplittle boy blue kit thanx to pjsthoughtsofrandomness. .com spiderman image ©marvel ©2004 alternaive software ltd.
Photos by LBelle